Cyrus Norgard is a 22-year-old Biology Math major at George Mason University, and a freak. He has known Paulo since elementary school, and this comic began as a way of tracking him down. Unfortunately, he mentioned it to Jed, and now only has half-ownership of his own idea! He does the actual drawing of the comics, and generally has the final say on things. He also has really bad luck with roommates, having previously had, at various times, a goat and a psychotic killer sharing his room. The comic provides him with a much-needed opportunity to be the bad roommate for once. He has more html programming skill then most believe.

Jed Blue maintains this website and helps Cyrus come up with characters, plotlines, and gags for the strip. He's a 22-year-old English major at George Mason University, where he works on the student newspaper as copy chief. He is infinitely, insanely cool, and absolutely unbeatable in sheer magnitude of impressiveness. He wears authority like a cloak, and anyone who sees him can tell immediately that he is destined to be the ruler of the world. There is no reason to doubt this, since he wrote this page himself, and is always completely and absolutely honest.


Today's Comic